Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The First.......

There is something to be said about our current situation in this country today. The politcal correctness that we put up with is painfully pathetic. This and the posts following are just random thoughts by me and possibly others......an INFIDEL. I don't claim to be an expert on terrorisim or intelligence gathering, but I do claim to fed up with the direction this country seems to be heading. There are millions of blogs out here, and if you happend upon mine, I'm lucky I guess.

This Dubai ports deal really had me steaming. 1st of all you have the hipocracy in congress (Hillary) voting against it, and then you have Bill Clinton advising DPW and the UAE government on P.R. moves concerning this same deal. So who is really paying Hillary? Who does she really work for? This incestuous behavior is what makes me detest politicians to the highest degree lately. Not to mention everyone keeps saying that they were going to take over 6 ports. Well anyone doing thier research will know that it's actually 21 ports they were going to take over including numerous military ports. Some people think they are a key ally over in the mid-east because they house big naval ports. Fine....let them be a key ally OVER THERE.

There is no reason to give up our ports. I belive certain allies deserve certain privilages. Britian would come to mind as earning the right to manage our ports. The UAE however, has a lot of explaining to do before they gain that right. Take for instance the UAE royal family / BinLaden hunting expedition in Afghanistan sometime in '99. Then director George Tennet testifed before the 911 commission in 2004 that he (in not so many words) would have....could have...made Bin Laden into jihad soup with a couple cruise missles. But in doing so would have wiped out 1/2 of the UAE royalty in the process which would have created a politcal shit storm that Slick Willy didn't have the time to deal with. So, before DPW even gets a remote consideration of the possibility to talk about the prospect of managing an inch of our ports, they should come clean about thier terror ties and who expects them to do that?

I no longer get my news form the MSM anymore. You can't trust these people. They will not report on terrorist training camps in the US and they won't touch the story of the OU suicide bombing in Oct. of 2005 either. The OU bombing is one instatnce where the MSM took the FBI at it's word and STOPPED INVESTIGATING IT. C'mon folks, when do you see that happen? Ususally the MSM is stepping all over themselves to discredit the "establishment" and the government. That is of course....until they have the same objectives which is to pull the wool so far down over your face that you can't be informed about what is really going on in this country.


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