Wednesday, March 21, 2007

4th generation warfare.........

The systems disruption that the insurgents have been employing successfully to this point, is dropping off. The US is setting up shop in thier towns and now have more intel coming in then they can process, due to that fact that the people seem re-assured that were not leaving. Attacks on the electrical grid and oil piplelines have diminished greatly. Their 4GW (4th generation warfare) tactics have, for the moment, been measurably hampered.

I would have to say that the surge seems to be working over in Iraq. There have been less (reported) car bombings. The terrorists seem to be getting more desperate in thier quest to cause chaos. This is evidenced by thier use of children to get through an allied checkpoint.

The adults in the car then fled, while the children were left in the car to die. There are no words for this. Kind of reminds me of the Palestinian mentality. Dress your kids up in mock suicide vests and REAL guns. This is nothing less than child abuse. Do these people really deserve a state? Yes there have been atrocities on both sides, but the Palestinians have proved time and time again that they are incapable of joining the civilized world. I say to the Palestinians: "What happened when Sharon pulled out of GAZA?" You claimed victory, and then looted and burned the infrastructure an buisineses and farms that were deliberately left behind for you to make a living with. Proving again that left to your own devices you are an embarassment to world civilizations everywhere.

If you think that Americans are the number 1 killers of Iraqi's think again! Americans are not the one's setting off car bombs and IED's that of which are the number 1 killers of Iraqi children! If Saddam was left in power, the killing would have been just as bad (and was just as bad). It just wasn't made public by Saddam's hold on the media. Make sense? Why would Saddam allow the coverage we're all getting now????
